Conversation Cards - Pack of 16 (digital download)

Conversation Cards - Pack of 16 (digital download)


Buy our full pack of 16 Cards, originally created for the 16 Days of Activism 2023.

What is included?

  • 16 Cards PDF, made for online use with full colour and direct links to resources and stimuli

  • 16 Cards Printer-Friendly PDF, made for printing with reduced colour and 4 cards per page to reduce paper and ink used.

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At Bold Voices we believe the key to preventing gender-based violence and inequality is to start by examining our culture, and looking at why gendered violence is so often trivialised, normalised and accepted as ‘just the way things are’. We believe the way to start creating this change is easier than it seems: we can begin by just talking about these issues. We know it sounds simple, but we believe that opening up a conversation is a powerful way to connect people over polarising topics, break taboos, shine light on the things no one thinks to talk about, and to challenge harmful ideas and stereotypes that are the root of this problem.

To make starting these conversations a little easier, we have created a pack of 16 cards. These cards are your tool to frame these conversations, to open them up to everyone, to make them a little less scary… and potentially even fun…!


Each card has a specific theme that relates to gender-based violence and gender inequality that supports you to start a conversation - this might be with a colleague, in the classroom or over the dinner table.

Some cards are suitable for all ages, others may not be appropriate for a younger audience (some include reference to sex or violence) - please use your own discretion when using the conversation cards in your communities!

Read our How to Use Guide for more information.

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