Pupil Roadmap
Our pupil work often begins with a keynote talk. These are narrative based and designed to introduce gender inequality and gender-based violence in an engaging, age-appropriate session for a whole year group.
Our workshops are the best way to provide pupils with the time and space to explore gender inequality and gender-based violence through critical conversations in a structured, safe environment with experienced and engaging facilitators.
Our Deep Dives offer pupils a chance to explore key topics introduced in talks and workshops in more depth. These sessions refresh content from the keynote talks, then focus either on language or the digital world, using case studies and scenarios to allow pupils to discuss and examine a culture of gender-based violence and practice skills to begin challenging.
1hr | Up to 200 Pupils | In Person or Virtual Delivery | Option of Digital Interaction
Gender stereotypes, gendered language and sexual harassment are a daily part of life for young people, yet these are not easy topics to address.
This talk is an age appropriate, inclusive and engaging introduction to what gender inequality is and how we can start to challenge it in small, yet meaningful, ways.
Looking at statistics, unpacking gender stereotypes, and considering how gender inequality shows up in the media we consume, this talk supports Y7 & 8 pupils to make the connections between seemingly harmless attitudes and experiences of sexual harassment.
This talk introduces pupils to the concept that all forms of gender inequality are connected together through the exploration of gender stereotypes, gendered language, harmful attitudes and their negative outcomes for all genders.
The talk concludes with an emphasis on the need for a collaborative movement from all genders in order to achieve equality.
This talk is impactful and engaging; combining personal stories and pop culture to demonstrate that consent is cultural and that our individual choices are shaped by attitudes and ideas in the world around us.
Through exploration of gender stereotypes, objectification, victim blaming and glorification of 'the chase', pupils will leave with a better understanding of how consent is informed by wider issues of gender inequality at a societal level.
Hard-hitting and engaging, this talk explores why we must move away from blaming individuals for violence and instead acknowledge how we all contribute to a culture of gender-based violence through language, attitudes and behaviours.
Weaving storytelling with key issues, this talk explores 'lad culture', gender stereotypes, language, objectification, sexual conquests and competition, and spiking.

1hr 15 - 1hr 30 | Up to 35 Pupils per workshop | In Person Delivery
What is the aim of the workshops?
Our workshops are designed to give pupils the time and space to explore difficult topics of gender inequality and have critical conversations about them in a structured, safe environment with our experienced and engaging facilitators.
What is the workshop format?
1hr 15 - 1hr 30 | Max 35 Pupils per workshop. Generally we can run 6 workshops in one day (with 2 or 3 workshops running at a time). Our workshops can only be facilitated in person due to the nature of the content and style of facilitation.
What ages are the workshops for?
We use the same format with pupils aged 11-18 however the content of the workshop is tailored to each age group.
Who facilitates the workshops?
Each workshop is led by 2 expert and experienced Bold Voices facilitators. The facilitator role is to support and safeguard pupils during these conversations, ensuring that a space for critical thinking and discussion is maintained throughout the workshop.
Your Sixth Formers can receive Bold Voices training in order to support the Bold Voices facilitators as mentors during workshops with younger pupils. Scroll down for Mentor Workshops info!
Example of content covered:
Gender Stereotypes: Assumed roles within the home e.g. mum as caregiver
Attitudes/Language: Gendered insults e.g. "that's so gay"
Structures: Social media e.g. TikTok trends
Sexual Harassment: Pressure to send nudes
Example of content covered:
Gender Stereotypes: 'Real man' stereotype e.g. boys should not show emotion
Attitudes/Language: Slut shaming e.g. use of 'slut' or 'slag' towards girls
Structures: Violence in porn being normalised
Sexual Violence: Statistics of sexual assault within society
Example of content covered:
Gender Stereotypes: Silencing of male mental health
Attitudes/Language: Objectification of bodies through rating & ranking
Structures: Rise in alpha male podcasters e.g. Tate
Sexual Violence: Stealthing (removing a condom during sex without consent)

1hr | Between 30 and 60 Pupils In Person | Up to 200 Pupils Virtual Delivery | Option of Digital Interaction
This follow up talk examines whether the language we use is more informed by gender stereotypes than we realise.
Through exploring the gendered insults and compliments we use, this session encourages pupils to consider how the language of power mirrors gendered language, and how our language reflects the wider culture of gender inequality that we see in the world around us.
This follow up talk explores how gendered language is the often dismissed and unchallenged foundation from which harmful gendered attitudes and behaviours can grow.
This session encourages pupils to challenge gendered language and to recognise that 'banter' can be harmful even when not intended to be.
This follow up talk shows the power of language by exploring the linguistic links between sex and violence and looking at the role that sexist banter plays in normalising a culture of gender-based violence.
With a focus on making connections between issues that appear unrelated, this talk is an opportunity for pupils to understand where misogynistic language comes from, and where it can go if it goes unchallenged.
This follow up talk encourages pupils to apply a gendered lens to the pop culture that they consume (social media, music, TV, films).
Pupils will gain the skills to think critically about what they consume, and to understand the role of the digital world in amplifying a culture of gender inequality and gender-based violence.
This follow up talk addresses and unpacks the relationship between online sexual harassment and gender inequality offline.
Pupils will understand different forms that online sexual harassment & abuse can take. They will be encouraged to think critically about the root causes of these actions.
This follow up talk explores the way gender inequality and gender-based violence have manifested online and continues to rapidly adapt to new technologies.
Pupils will explore the root causes of gender-based violence online, and will consider the barriers to challenging, as well as learning skills to overcome them.

This workshop package is a unique chance to work closely with a small group of Year 12 & 13 students leaders and support them to recognise their role as gender equality ambassadors in school.
Mentors will develop the knowledge and skills to 'mentor' younger pupils and model the change in culture they want to see in the school, specifically by working alongside Bold Voices facilitators during workshops with younger year groups.
What I Wish I'd Known: Planting the Seeds of ChangE
3hr Training Workshop | Up to 30 Pupils | In Person Delivery
Train Year 12 & 13 students to work alongside younger pupils during Bold Voices facilitated workshops.
Provide mentoring opportunities for Year 12 & 13 students.
Develop key facilitation and peer leadership skills.
Provide younger pupils with the opportunity to learn from and be inspired by older students.
Ensure conversations started during Bold Voices workshops can be continued and built on by students.
In the first half of the workshop mentors will build a critical understanding of what gender inequality and gender-based violence looks like within the UK.
They will carry out the activities that the younger year group will take part in during the mentored workshop, pausing at intervals to cover key information, ask questions about the content and share insights with each other.
The second part of the workshop will equip the mentors with the necessary facilitation and mentorship skills to work with the younger pupils. This will cover:
Active listening and the importance of asking questions over giving opinions.
Allyship and how to move beyond focusing on just our own experiences of these issues.
Challenge tips and tricks including the Bold Voices 'B.A.N.T.E.R' methods of challenge to model to the younger pupils (Be funnier, Ask questions, Name it, Talk to them, Express yourself, Report it).

Our Bold Voices Ambassador Programme is a unique opportunity for your Year 12 & 13 students to join Reps from across the UK to learn about and discussing gender inequality and gender-based violence, creating sustainable change in their school communities.
The Vision
To create sustainable change around gender inequality and gender-based violence in schools by inspiring and empowering students to lead on initiatives and projects in their school communities.
The Mission
To equip students and staff with the knowledge and skills to raise awareness and create change around issues of gender inequality in their schools, with the support of designated staff members.
Student & Staff Reps will learn about key concepts and ideas to develop their understanding of gender-based violence, including the continuum of gender-based violence, applying an intersectional lens and developing critical thought.
Reps will be given resources and further learning to nurture curiosity, and will be encouraged to go beyond the workshops to continue their educational journeys.
The interactive nature of our workshops provides Reps with plenty of time and space with our trained facilitators guiding discussion so Reps can learn from each other.
Reps will get the opportunity to apply this knowledge to projects within their school in order to make longlasting and effective change.