GUIDED Activities
Start a Conversation About Gender Inequality & GBV in your Classroom
Only have 10 minutes to talk about gender inequality with your class? No problem!
Here is a short but effective activity to get pupils thinking about some of the key issues facing women and marginalised genders across the UK.
10 minutes. 5 statistics.
Simply share our Google Forms quiz on your screen and ask pupils to fill in the gaps or make it a competition and get them to fill in their own.
Raising awareness is all about celebrating inspirational, iconic figures who’ve made contributions to society. This 20 minute activity gives pupils a speed research task - to find out all they can about an inspirational role model. Leave time for each group to give their one minute pitch to the class about their role model.
20 minutes. 15 role models.
Download and print our list of role models and profile card to share with your class.
Challenging gender inequality and the attitudes and cultures that lead to gender based violence is key. But as we all know - challenging is easier said than done!
This activity presents pupils with three scenarios and potential responses or actions and is designed to start a conversation about what it means to be an ally.
We have provided additional discussion and learning points for each scenario to support you in having these conversations with your pupils.
30 minutes. 3 scenarios.
Find the scenarios worksheet and accompanying resources all ready to go for your Choose to Challenge session.
Lesson Plan
What is Violence Against Women and Girls?
An engaging introductory lesson exploring the definition of gender-based violence and highlighting some key experiences including public sexual harassment, upskirting and victim blaming.
Powerpoint slides and accompanying teacher notes
Lesson plan with stimuluses and discussion points about gendered violence
Additional resources