Year 9, 10 & 11


Cultures of consent: what is shaping our relationships?

Format: 50 minute talk, 10 minute Q&A.
Talks can be delivered in person or virtually with the option of an interactive online tool (Mentimeter) to engage pupils further with the issues.

Outcome: Explore issues of gender inequality, consent, objectification and sexual violence in order to recognise that all forms of gender inequality are interlinked.

Using statistics and real-life examples, this talk builds up a picture of how gender inequality manifests in the world around us, shaping our ideas about consent.



the power of gendered language: from insults to actions

Format: 50 minute talk, 10 minute Q&A.
Talks can be delivered in person or virtually with the option of an interactive online tool (Mentimeter) to engage pupils further with the issues.

Outcome: Explore the connection between gendered and misogynistic language with gender inequality, and consider the potentially harmful outcomes of this language.

Looking at how gendered and violent words have become part of our everyday vocabulary, this talk explores the idea that much of the gender inequality we know today has roots in the language we are taught to use.



Format: 50 minute talk, 10 minute Q&A.
Talks can be delivered in person or virtually with the option of an interactive online tool (Mentimeter) to engage pupils further with the issues.

Outcome: Explore issues of gender inequality, consent, objectification and sexual violence in order to recognise that all forms of gender inequality are interlinked.

Examine the relationship between online sexual harassment and wider issues of gender inequality, recognising that although occurring a digital sphere these forms of violence stem from the same root causes. Consider how to create safer and consensual digital spheres for ourselves and those around us.




Format: 2 hours
Up to 35 pupils per workshop

Through highly interactive group work, discussions and further teaching, pupils will explore gender inequality and have critical conversations about specific topics, building on the knowledge they gained in the 'Thinking Big About Gender Inequality' talk.


  • In groups pupils will build a 'pyramid' of gender inequality - mapping how different forms of gender inequality (such as gender stereotypes, language, attitudes towards women and girls) are related to each other and can lead to gender-based violence.

  • They will develop an understanding of how these issues are connected.

  • The latter part of the workshop will focus on how we can start to disrupt and challenge these behaviours and attitudes as individuals and as a school community.

I would highly recommend that educators get in touch with Bold Voices about running workshops about gender inequality at their schools. Their well prepared, interesting and, at times, appropriately emotive presentation, was extremely informative and engaging.

The presentation was interactive and thought-provoking – it enabled students to reflect on their own behaviour whilst giving them the tools to understand the patriarchy and how best individuals can help to dismantle it. The students have since spoken about how much they enjoyed the session, with many of them going on to sign petitions and have meaningful discussions about gendered language and expectations.

I cannot stress enough the importance of organisations like Bold Voices in helping you to either start or continue your anti-misogyny work at school.
— Laura Covington, Harris Academy Battersea