Welcome to the Bold Voices 2023 International Women’s Day resource! This guided lesson, The Gender of Power, is designed to start conversations about gender inequality in your classroom by exploring gender stereotypes and their relationship to power. 

Ages 11 to 18
20 - 30 minutes
(although the activities can be extended or shortened to fit your available time)

Present the Mentimeter class presentation to the classroom, and access the voting link below on a separate screen or device (laptop, phone etc!). As you progress through the class presentation, your class should work together to collectively decide which answers they provide, and you input these on your device (no mobile phones needed for the students).


  • The resource is a live presentation that can be accessed and delivered to your class at any time. 

  • It is designed to be interactive through Mentimeter which allows you to submit your class’ thoughts as you go.

  • Teachers across the country will be submitting answers and the results of all of those submissions will show up live on the interactive slides (slides 4, 8, 11 and 19).

  • The Mentimeter should only be submitted by the teacher (joining instructions are below). 


  • There is key learning on the slides between interactions. You can read this out and ask the class to consider any questions that are posed. 

  • This is not about a right or wrong - this is about starting a conversation about gender stereotypes and gender inequality and connecting those issues to power within our society. 

Joining Mentimeter

  • To join the live presentation and submit responses, follow the link below, scan the QR code or go to www.menti.com on your phone or other device. 

  • You will be prompted to provide a code: 69657 (this code also appears at the top of the first slide). 

  • From there you will be able to move through the slides on your phone ahead of the presentation being presented to the class. On slides 4, 8, 11 and 19 you will be able to submit responses to questions. 

  • On the slides before the interactive ones (3, 7, 10 and 18) there is a note to the teacher 

    • 📲 Your teacher will input the ranking on their device as you discuss. Once this is submitted move onto the next slide to see how your answers fit with other classes!

    • At this point you can move ahead on your phone and submit responses before moving the class onto the next slide that will show results from all classes. 

    • This is to allow your class time to make their own decisions about the questions rather than be swayed by other people’s responses! 


Or scan QR code to access voting link on your mobile device